Explore the World in Eastern Idaho
Museum of Idaho

The Museum of Idaho, located in downtown Idaho Falls, is the Gem State’s largest history and science center, with significant Idaho collections, high-profile traveling exhibits, and a wide array of educational programs and fun events for young and old.
200 North Eastern Avenue
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
(208) 522-1400The Gem State's Premiere Museum
Bringing the world to Idaho and Idaho to the world! An array of experiences can be found throughout the year at the Museum of Idaho. To explore the current exhibits, be sure to visit our website. WAY OUT WEST Exhibit: Open now and always Immerse yourself in the human and environmental story of Idaho from its first inhabitants through today. Featuring artifacts and interactive activites for all ages.
Your admission grants you full access to the world-class exhibits at Idaho's premier history and science center. The Museum of Idaho has developed a reputation as one of the country's best places to see world-class interactive displays on the humanities and sciences.
Way Out West Exhibit
The big story of a unique region
Way Out West, the museum’s flagship exhibit, immerses visitors in both the human story and the environmental story of our region, Idaho, and the West, from its first inhabitants through today.
Idaho Origins
Join the first inhabitants of ancient Idaho as they followed big game, seasonal plants, and water. Compare fossils and try your hand at bringing down a 14-foot-tall Columbian mammoth using an augmented-reality atlatl.
Out of the Rocks
Trace the path of the seething Yellowstone Hotspot as it shaped the Snake River Plain and America’s first national park, and see for yourself why Idaho is called the “Gem State.”
Into Nature
Get up-close and personal with formidable beasts against the backdrop of some of the country’s most pristine untouched wilderness, and learn how humans work to manage the land and its resources now.
Regional Roots
Saunter along the stocked storefronts of a late-19th century town and meet the intrepid pioneers who transformed it from Wild West to cultured community.
People and Place
From the Shoshone and Bannock to trappers, miners, and homesteaders, learn what brought people to Idaho, see how they survived, and interact with the objects they carried on their way.
A Complex State
Come face to face with stories of progressive inclusion and oppressive exclusion, and the complicated path of a strangely shaped state both difficult to traverse and difficult to govern.
Idaho Impact
Confront the ideas that have defined Idaho’s image and the innovations that have challenged it, create chain reactions on a massive “ball wall,” and gaze out into the future.