Three Rivers Ranch

If you are seeking warm hospitality, impeccable meals, masterful guides and some of the best world-renowned rivers in the West, you've found the right place!
1662 Mesa Falls Scenic Byway
Warm River, ID 83420
208-652-3750Three Rivers Ranch
Three Rivers Ranch is an Orvis-endorsed lodge, meaning it meets stringent Orvis standards and the guides are certified with mandatory annual training reviews. In fact, Three Rivers Ranch was one of the founding fathers of the program, endorsed in 1974. We have also won Orvis Lodge of the Year; Doug Gibson has won Orvis Guide of the Year & the Orvis Lifetime Achievement award; our owner, Lonnie Allen has been nominated for the Orvis Lifetime Achievement Award as well.
The Fly Shop at Three Rivers
Three Rivers maintains a well-stocked Orvis shop where you can purchase essentials like flies, dressing, and equipment at competitive prices. In fact, you could show up without anything and we would have all the gear & apparel you need to have a wonderful fly fishing experience.
We have over 26,000 flies in our Warm River Fly Shop, which is only for our guests at Three Rivers Ranch. A majority of our flies are tied by our own guides. All of our fly patterns of various sizes have proven to be effective on local waters. With advance notice, they also tie custom freshwater & saltwater flies. The required fishing license is available at the shop, not included in rate.